Expression of the Self

Carolyn Monden
3 min readAug 24, 2020

The human experience is about an expression of the self. The self, in its uniqueness, can experience so many beautiful things. Life is supposed to represent discovery and growth, so why are so many of us struggling to be ourselves? Why do we have a hard time deciding to trust we already know best?

When we are born, we are conditioned by patterns handed down from generation to generation. Good or bad, we are taught how to behave as our caregivers did and to follow in the footsteps of those who came before us. We are given instructions on how life should be and what we must do to get there. We are presented with ideas, opinions, and rules to live. We are shown how to talk, walk, and think. We are not encouraged to discover, explore, and trust, which, in turn, limits life and blocks our inner compass.

When a baby is curious and reaches for something in its natural exploration, it is given the signal that danger lies ahead. Unintentionally, the caregiver has now presented fear where the love of self was taking hold.

Instead of allowing the baby to explore and calmly direct or guide the baby’s inherited flow, we over-correct and create doubt. The doubt grows, and the baby grows up, fearing, and questioning every decision. This is fear manifested.

I believe we are born with a knowing: knowing who we are and what the experience represents. Left to our instincts, we should learn to live in harmony with each other, the planet, and ourselves. In the absence of trust in the knowing, we forget who we are and spend life holding on to perceived safety.

To keep babies safe, we disconnect them from nature, contributing to the individual’s loss. Over time the baby forgets what it is capable of and what the experience is supposed to represent. Life is no longer an expression, but an exercise in survival.

The struggle to know ourselves is learned, following our hearts is feared, and in place of love, we develop distrust and pain. We don’t remember that it is okay to go out on a leam because there is experience. In the process of providing a safe and caring environment, we move further away from our intuition, which separates us from the world around us.

What furthers human suffering is any idea of breaking away from the programming. We repeatedly deny ourselves the call back to ourselves. We shut out the whispers of our soul, trying to help us remember.

In the one-size-fits-all world, charting new ground in an attempt to remember is not celebrated, which causes trusting our internal guidance all the more difficult to achieve. We have the tools to navigate through life, but using them and paving our way in the world is isolating.

But what if this wasn’t so, what if we remembered and dared to become more ourselves one by one? What if we gave each other permission to let go of fear and embrace our wonder. We if we allowed ourselves the opportunity to seek to be more ourselves.

In full expression, the human experience can be what dreams are made of. The only thing that keeps us from that is choice. The choice to become more our true selves is what makes this experience worth living. The choice can be made at any time. We choose to remember who we are.

There is nothing in our past that can keep you from this remembrance. The freedom from fear programming is a choice; that choice is the turning point. Remembering who we are in the experience, after generations of forgetting. How the human experience ends is the reason and the purpose. The truth in our human desire isn’t to achieve meaning. It is to remember we are the meaning.

